Our plane was delayed due to a change of crew. So that was annoying. The Philadelphia Airport was
really dissapointing because it was just as bad if not worse than LAX! The Liberty Bell was cool.
It was like a school bell for Elementry School. Only bigger and it would've been LOUDER!!! Rain
was a bad thing in Philadelphia. The Independence Hall was cool and better than the Knotts
version. But a 20 min wait in the rain and 6 people under an umbrella. Hell no, thats not
pleasent! Then we went to a really cool mall called "The Bourse Mall." While Sbarros breakfast
sucked, the lunch was really good. Isaac and I then decided to spread stupidity into the East
Coast. On the two hour drive to Amish country, we passed by Dutch Wonderland and their credit Sky
Princess. Amish Country was impressive for a town with no elecrticity. We stopped at one Amish
house with some Amish food. Their Root Beer and Pretzals were FREAKIN GOOD!!!! It was also fun to
laugh at Kinsey in Amish clothes. Dinner was at the Old Country Town Buffet where Alisa and
Kinsey faced each other in an Ice Cream Eating contest. Not even Acers could compete with Alisas
speed! Onto todays photos